what is SERP

What is SERP?

If you’re thinking of what is SERP,  what does SERP stand for in SEO?

“Search Engine Result Page “ A page containing related information relative to your search query that is shown in the form of website options and paid ads along with other extra SERP features is called SERP

This page can be seen when you type a search query on Google’s search bar, and then a page is shown to you that contains many websites with advertisement sections, sometimes videos, images, or famous threads, and recently AI overview also

Which you can see in the below image { normal SERP}

Serp with organic search results and paid results.

As per statista.com, 80% of marketing share is held in Google for search engines compared to Bing, Yahoo and Yandex.

This SERP,s are divided into two types which are organic search results and paid which appears on this page.
And those extract serp’s features are Featured Snippets, Image Results, Video Results, People Also Ask and Google Shopping Results

Which will be discussed in this blog.

As we now know actual mean. Let’s learn more about this subject.


Why are SERP’s Important for SEO

important of serp

I understand that its hard to showcase organic search results before SERP’s features.

But this aspects is important for effective SEO strategy
because they control how and where your website appears when someone searches for keywords related to your content. Here’s a breakdown of the main points:

#1. Visibility on the first page

The main goal of SEO is to get your site ranked on the first page of Google for relevant keywords. However, just being on the 1st page is not okay. How your site appears on that page very much impacts your click-through rate(CTR)

SERP showing top-ranking benefits on the first page

Having your website appear on the first page of search results can greatly increase hits and traffic.

#2. Targeting Keywords

To maximize your visibility and CTR, it’s essential to target keywords that don’t have many SERP features. This way, your organic result is more likely to stand out and attract clicks.

#3. Competitive Advantage

If you see that market size on SERP it is huge right?
Outranking competitors on SERPs will get you the majority of clicks on your website and increase in traffic

#4 . Conversion Opportunities

Higher SERP positions often correlate with better conversion rates.
SERP features like featured snippets can drive immediate conversions.

#5. Brand Awareness

Consistent presence in top SERP positions increases brand recognition.
Even if users don’t click, seeing the brand repeatedly builds familiarity.

#6. Cost-Effective Marketing

Organic SERP rankings provide long-term traffic without ongoing ad spend. High ROI compared to many other marketing channels.

#7. Local Business Visibility

Local SERP features are important for businesses targeting local customers. And near by people Google My Business listings in SERPs can drive foot traffic and calls.

Local businesses on Google Maps with visible listings

Local business listings on Google Maps help customers easily find and connect with nearby services

#8. Content Strategy Guidance

SERP analysis reveals what type of content ranks well for specific queries. Helps in filtering content strategy to match user needs and search engine requirements.

12 different types of SERP features are

Before we understand types let us know what is SERP features.
Are those extra features that are found in Search engine result pages other than organic search results?

SERP features surpass the traditional 1o blue links.

These extra features provide direct answers to questions, display high-quality visuals, and give quick access to specific information

Now we’ll detailly discuss different types of SERP features.

An image of common occurrence of SERP features on Google

1. Organic Search Results.

The appearance of a search engine results page without any special features can be described as Organic search results with 10 blue links.

70-80% of clicks typically go to organic listings.
Basically this contains each serp contains 10 websites and each website is displayed as
Domain name
URL of the page
Meta descriptions

As you can see in this image.

Organic search result on SERP

organic search result on the first page of a search engine in each website ranked we can see the title, URL, and description on SERP

They’re chosen by search engines based on how well they match your search and how good they are optimized.

Up next.

2. Paid ads

Commonly known as Google ads or Google AdWords. Which appears top of organic search results and this placement is purely based on your bidding.
This does not require any website optimization, just kind right keywords that your users are looking for on a budget for the day to start.

As you can see in the below image

Paid search result

Paid ads appear at the top of SERP to attract more clicks and traffic.

The advantage of running Google ads is
Placement depends on your bid. And leads are confirmed in a very short period.

Disadvantage is that
If your budget runs out then it’s immediately removed from the serp and to get a good quality amount of leads you have to spend the right amount of money.

As you have seen, what are pro’s and con’s of running ads only if you have experience of getting it correct?

3. Featured snippets.

A feature snippet, often referred to as “Position Zero,” is a concise, informative response to a search query that appears at the top of a search engine results page (SERP). These snippets are designed to provide immediate and relevant answers to users, reducing the need to click on individual websites.

Studies have shown that up to 80% of searchers focus on the SERP’s top results.
So make sure if your are website is at top than this results are confirmed 👍🏻
Which direct results in CTR increases of 20-30%.

Featured snippet

Featured snippets provide quick answers at the top of search results

Types of Feature Snippets
Paragraph:     A summary of text extracted from a webpage.
List                :     A bulleted or numbered list directly answering the query.

List featured snippet displayed

A list featured snippet shows information in a clear, ordered format

Table: A structured format presenting data in rows and columns.

4. Image results

These results are perfect for visual representation right ▶️

image result on SERP

Image results show relevant pictures related to the search query.

How it works:  Google looks at millions of pictures on the internet and picks the best ones to show you based on what you typed.

Why it’s useful: Sometimes, a picture says more than words. If you’re looking for a specific thing, like a type of flower or a famous painting, seeing images can help you find exactly what you want.

Where to find them: Image results usually appear below the regular search results or sometimes even have their section.

Now we will discuss how exactly to optimize so you can show up

Optimizing Your Images for the Web

Making your images work hard for you involves a few key steps:

Choose the Right Image Format

JPEG: Best for photographs with lots of colors.
PNG: Ideal for images with transparent backgrounds or sharp edges.
GIF: Suitable for simple animations or images with limited colors.

Resize Your Images
Make sure images are the right size for your website.

Large images can slow down your page load time.

Compress Your Images
Reduce file size without losing quality.

Many online tools can help with this.

Use Descriptive File Names
Instead of “image123.jpg”, use “blue-sky-beach.jpg”.
This helps search engines understand your image.

Add Alt Text
Describe the image for visually impaired users and search engines.

Use relevant keywords.
Optimize Image Dimensions
Make sure images fit your website layout.

Avoid stretching or shrinking images.

Lazy Load Images
Only load images when they’re about to be seen.

Pro tip💡: Do use webp format this will allow even complex images that show with high resolution on the web.

Improves page load speed.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Store images on servers closer to your visitors.
Speeds up image loading.

Remember: Small changes in image optimization can make a big difference in your website’s performance and search engine rankings.

5. Video Result

This are like having a movie play right there on your search results page! These short video clips give you a quick preview of what you’re looking for.
This is from YouTube video clip related to your search query

Which you can see in the below image

Video results displayed

6. Knowledge Panel

Imagine you’re searching for a whey protein.

Instead of just seeing a list of websites, you get a special box on the right side of the page with their picture, a short bio, iteam’s included in making, and maybe even some products
That special box is a knowledge panel.

Knowledge panel displayed on a search engine results page

A knowledge panel displays key facts, images, and other information about a search query. It helps users quickly find important details without leaving the search results page.

It’s like a quick summary of everything important about that person, place, or thing on the search results page.
Knowledge Panel is just like an ID card that shows every important information required.

Does that make sense?

7. Direct Answer Box

As the name says this provides direct answer for your search quires

Direct Answer Box

A Direct Answer Box showing Olympic 2024 results at the top of a search page

For example, you type “Olympic 2024 results” into a search engine. As you can see in the below image, a Direct Answer Box appears at the top of the search results page. This box shows a quick summary of the Olympic 2024 medal counts for different countries. This is what a Direct Answer Box does – it gives you fast, easy-to-read answers without having to click on any websites. Moving on to the next part…

8. Local Package 📦

A local pack is a special section at the top of a search engine results page (SERP) that shows information about local businesses relevant to the search query. It’s often called the “map pack” or “3-pack” because it usually displays three businesses with a map.
That also shows location marked.
As you can see in below 👇

local pack

local pack in search results. It has a small map with pins and a list of three nearby Gym’s. You can see their names, how far away they are, and how many stars people give them

local pack is a prime spot for local businesses to get found online. By optimizing your Google My Business listing and other local SEO factors, you can increase your chances of appearing in the local pack.

9. People also ask

The “People Also Ask” feature on search engine results pages (SERPs) is a valuable tool for users and businesses alike. When you search for something on Google, you often see a box with questions related to your query. This is the People ask for feature, which provides users with quick answers to common questions.

As you can look in below image.

People Also Ask box

This section helps users by offering immediate information without the need to click on multiple links. A study by Moz found that nearly 12% of all search queries now show a box, highlighting its widespread use. This feature answers questions directly in the search results, saving time and improving the search experience.

More than that it help searcher to understand of questions their audience is asking. This helps in content strategy, to create that directly addresses common queries.

So, the “People Also Ask” feature on SERPs benefits users by providing quick answers and saves time. For businesses, it offers increased visibility, credibility, and valuable insights into audience questions, which can guide effective content creation and SEO strategies.

10. Twitter results [ x result]

Since Google and X [Twitter] made their partnership in 2015,X have been indexed in real-time, allowing them to appear directly in Google’s search results.
This implementation means that X, especially those from popular accounts or trending topics, can increase online visibility.

This is how it looks in SERP

X (formerly Twitter) results

X results show recent posts about your search topic right on the results page

Studies show that only 6% of all X are indexed, with 92% of those coming from accounts with over 10,000 followers, highlighting the influence of high-authority accounts.
X can also appear in Google’s featured snippets, particularly during major events or discussions, providing users with timely updates.

This real-time feature is proof in the “Top Stories” carousel and “In the News” section, especially during live events like sports matches or elections. The presence of X results on SERPs influences SEO strategies, as engaging and building a substantial following on Twitter can boost SERP presence.

For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, tweets from health organizations and government officials frequently appeared on SERPs, ensuring quick access to reliable information.

11. Top Stories

The “Top Stories” feature on search engine results pages (SERPs) shows the latest news and trending topics. This section is shown at the top of the page and features articles from news websites and blogs.

Top Stories section

Top Stories give you quick access to the latest news about your search topic

this provides quick access to the latest information on current events. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 62% of U.S. adults get their news from online sources, with many relying on search engines to find the latest updates.

The “Top Stories” feature helps users stay informed by presenting the most relevant news in real-time.


For publishers, being at the “Top Stories” section can highly increase traffic and visibility. Data from Chartbeat shows that articles featured in “Top Stories” have received up to 10 times more traffic than those that do not appear in this section. 

This increase leads to higher ad revenues and greater audience engagement. By staying informed about current events and optimizing content for search engines, both users and publishers can maximize the advantages offered by the “Top Stories” feature.

12. Google Shopping Results

Results from Google Shopping on search engine results pages (SERPs) present users with a  more easy  ways to compare products and prices from various retailers.

When users search for a product, a section of the SERP showcases images, prices, and links to buying options, improving the online shopping experience.

This display typically appears on the right-hand side or at the top of the page.

For users, Google Shopping results provide quick access to comparing products.

A Google study revealed that 85% of online shoppers rely on Google to discover new products, and half of these shoppers state that product images have an impact on their purchasing decisions.

As you can see below image

Google shopping

Pro tips : when ever you do keyword research make sure you find  those types were searp features does not includes at the top if they appear nobody are going to look towards your organic listed  because they have to cross  all those to search your link

So look for and craft on content when user search you that query those does not appera

How SERPs Work

This is how it’s going to work based on 3 things 

1 search engine algorithms

2 User intent and search queries

3 SERP Ranking Factor

so we will explain one by one 

1. Search Engine Algorithms

Search engines use complex algorithms to deliver relevant results. These algorithms process over 6.4 billion searches per day on Google alone (Internet Live Stats, 2024). They work by:


to understand this above topic do read mine ” what is SEO”

Google updates its algorithm 500-600 times yearly to improve search quality (Search Engine Journal, 2023).

2. User Intent and Search Queries

Understanding user intent is crucial for search engines. There are four main types of search intent:

Informational (80% of searches)
Navigational (10% of searches)
Commercial (5% of searches)
Transactional (5% of searches)

(Blue Corona, 2023)
Search engines analyze keywords, context, and user behavior to determine intent. For example, 15% of daily Google searches are new queries never seen before (Google, 2023).

3. SERP Ranking Factors

Search engines use over 200 factors to rank pages (Backlinko, 2023). Some key factors include:

Content quality: 72% of marketers say relevant content creation is their most effective SEO tactic (HubSpot, 2023)
Backlinks: Pages in the top 3 Google results have 3.8 times more backlinks than those ranking 4-10 (Backlinko, 2023)
Mobile-friendliness: 58% of all website visits come from mobile devices (Perficient, 2023)
By understanding these factors, websites can improve their chances of ranking higher in SERPs.

Impact of Different SERP Features on SEO

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) have many features [which we have already discussed before in this blog] that affect how websites show up in search results.

Each feature can change how people interact with search results and which websites they visit.

Some SERP features can help websites get more visibility.

For example, if a website gets a featured snippet, it often appears at the top of the results. This can lead to more clicks and visits. Other features, like local packs for businesses, can be great for companies that want to attract nearby customers.

Also, some SERP features can make it harder for websites to get noticed. When there are many special features on a results page, regular website links might get pushed down. This means fewer people might see and click on these links.

Optimizing for SERPs

To do well with SERP features, websites need to adjust their SEO strategies. This means creating content that fits well with different SERP features. For featured snippets, websites might focus on answering common questions clearly.

For local SEO, businesses should make sure their information is up-to-date and consistent across the web. This helps them show up in local packs and map results. Adding schema markup to web pages can also help search engines understand the content better, which might lead to rich results in SERPs.

It’s also important to make websites mobile-friendly and fast-loading. Many SERP features are designed with mobile users in mind, so having a good mobile experience can help with visibility.

Keyword Research and SERP Analysis

Keyword research is crucial for understanding which SERP features to target. Different keywords can trigger different types of SERP features. By studying these, websites can tailor their content to match what shows up for their target keywords.

SERP analysis tools can help track which features appear for specific keywords. This information helps in planning content and SEO strategies.
For example, if a keyword often shows video results, creating video content might be a good idea.

It’s also helpful to look at what competitors are doing. If they’re showing up in certain SERP features, it might be worth trying similar strategies. However, it’s always important to focus on providing value to users, not just trying to game the system.

Practical Tips and Strategies to achieves these Goals ON SERP

Make sure you follow this guide to rank on SERP , you know the basic like keywords in title tag meta description, header, domain rating let’s Discuss on some advanced level

Focus on specific, less competitive long-tail keywords. According to WordStream, long-tail keywords account for 70% of web searches, offering more targeted traffic opportunities.

Create content that remains relevant over time. HubSpot reports that evergreen content generates 3.6x more traffic than time-sensitive posts, making it more sustained user interest.

Make sure your content is also optimized for your voice search, using conversational language and question-based queries. By 2025, voice searches are expected to account for 55% of all searches

Understand and align content with user search intent, differentiating between informational, navigational, and transactional queries. Google’s search algorithms prioritize pages that match user intent, improving rankings.

1. Leverage Video Content: Incorporate videos into your content strategy. According to Cisco, video content will make up 82% of all internet traffic by 2022, increasing engagement and time on page.

2. Optimize for Featured Snippets: Structure your content to answer specific questions and appear in featured snippets. Ahrefs found that 8.6% of all clicks are captured by featured snippets, driving significant traffic.

3. Utilize Content Clusters: Organize your content into clusters around a central pillar page. HubSpot’s study shows that content clusters can boost organic traffic by 51%, enhancing topic authority and SEO.

Focus on E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) this increases your content’s credibility by demonstrating expertise and authority. Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines emphasize E-A-T as a critical factor for ranking high in SERPs.

Optimize your content for local search queries. According to Google, 46% of all searches have local intent, and local SEO can drive highly targeted traffic.

5. Use Advanced Schema Markup: Go beyond basic schema to include rich data types like reviews, FAQs, and how-to’s. This can enhance your search appearance and increase click-through rates by up to 30% (Search Engine Land).

Content Readability this increases your content to be easy to read and understand, targeting a broad audience. Yoast suggests that readable content ranks higher because it improves user engagement and reduces bounce rates.

6. Utilize AI and Machine Learning for SEO: implement AI tools to analyze data, predict trends, and optimize content. Gartner predicts that by 2023, AI will manage 80% of customer interactions, enhancing SEO strategies.

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And that’s all for this one, We have covered all the topics that are related to what is SERP .I hope it is insightful content 

As and when Google insightful algorithm changes there will be some variation in SERP so keep modifying your content  and keep adding 

And That’s it, Thanks for reading this topic on a complete guide on what is serp?

FAQ Related To What is SERP?

Track SERP features by searching your important words often. Look at what shows up and write down any changes you see over time.

SERPs work by showing the best answers to what people search for. They mix normal results with special boxes and features to help users.

Google SERP features include answer boxes, related questions, local business listings, info panels, and picture galleries.

To rank higher, make great content, fix website problems, get other sites to link to you, and keep visitors on your site longer

To get in SERP features, make content that fits what they show. For example, write clear answers for answer boxes or add good info for local listings.

Google’s new Perspective feature gives AI-made summaries for some searches.

Find SERP feature chances by looking at what people want to know, seeing what works for others, and making content that answers questions in different ways.

SERP is the page you see after searching. SEO is what you do to get your website to show up better on that page.

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